BIRD FLIGHT DIVERTER – An Environment Friendly Solution

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Have you ever thought how the low flying air craft’s or those giant migrating birds with low vision avoid overhead the power lines fall in their fly way? If yes then the Bird Flight diverter is the solution.

Let us explain the power and transmission lines that are networked for us humans, though it is obvious that we are incomplete without the electricity but if we think about the birds then these overhead lines become very hazardous for birds. Actually overhead lines that pass through the

Forest area and above the canals, directly fall in the flying path of birds and air craft’s that fly in a low height.

We have been reading news from last so many years of losing birds in mortal collisions with lines. This string still goes on and we kept losing them. Recently we also seen that National Green Tribunal(NGT) has issued an order and directed states to save Great Indian Birds from power lines. As we all know GIBs are endangered birds and in last few year we have lost almost 90% of them.

We can learn from NGTs order that how danger these transmission lines are for avian species. Not only GIBs but we have millions of birds that are on the verge of extinction hence we need to save them. Save them from ghastly high voltage wires.

Here IndoDivert - Bird Diverter comes to rescue the birds. This device is very efficient enough in alerting the air crafts and avian species about the presence of power lines and avoids accidents.


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